雖然2014年都還沒過到一半,不過《Variety》雜誌近日已選出來今年度的” Power of Women”,獲選名單包括女演員Claire Danes、Sarah Jessica Parker、Susan Sarandon、美國名模Iman、演員兼歌手Idina Menzel,以及美國A+E電視網絡公司總裁Nancy Dubuc等名人。
這些在各自專業領域皆有良好表現的獲獎女性,對於社會上公眾或慈善事業也有廣大的影響力,《Variety》雜誌特地邀請她們在攝影師Yu Tsai的拍攝下,以優雅經典的黑白照片登上5月刊封面,此外,《Variety》雜誌也將這些女性的獲選緣由隨著名單一併公布。
1.Susan Sarandon
“Everyone has a responsibility towards this larger family of man, but especially if you’re privileged. That increases your responsibility.”—Susan Sarandon
年齡: 67
獲選原因:曾獲得奥斯卡最佳女主角獎的Susan Sarandon,不僅擁有精湛的演技,多年對於慈善事業更是不遺餘力,尤其特別積極參予Hope North慈善機構關注烏干達等非洲國家的兒童教育議題。
2.Sarah Jessica Parker
“If I didn’t have kids, I would be at the theater or the ballet every single night of my life.”—Sarah Jessica Parker
年齡: 49
獲選原因:因為演出《Sex and the City》一劇成為全球女性時尚偶像的Sarah Jessica Parker,是New York City Ballet董事會的成員,因為致力於紐約芭蕾舞的推廣與宣傳而受到嘉獎。
3.Claire Danes
“After the death of their husbands,they’re seen as a burden. They have wonderful embroidery skills, and in exchange for that work they can learn how to read and do math, and hopefully in the process have a greater means to exist in the world.”—Claire Danes
獲選原因:Claire Danes關注阿富汗失偶婦女的生活狀況,並透過慈善機構Afghan Hands提供實質支持,幫助她們重獲新生活而得到表揚。
4.Idina Menzel
“Through the camp program, Camp Broader Way, girls learn to empower themselves…not just on the stage of a theater, but throughout the world—focusing their imaginations to visualize new pathways.”—Idina Menzel
獲選原因:Idina Menzel 創辦名為”A Broader Way”的夏令營,為社區小孩提供一個培養音樂、寫作和表演等才能的平台,Idina Menzel 本人也會擔任此夏令營的導師,親自教導學員表演課程。
“We are not women of color. I am a woman with skin of color. I am not an ethnicity, but a skin tone.”—Iman
年齡: 58
獲選原因:傳奇超模Iman出生東非國家索馬利亞,她長年支持慈善機構“Dr. Hawa Abdi Foundation”改善當地醫療與教育的設備機制。
6.Nancy Dubuc
“These men and women have served our country, and this is a way to honor their legacy and hopefully inspire others to do so as well.”—Nancy Dubuc0
年齡: 44
獲選原因:Nancy Dubuc0透過“Team Rubicon”和“ The Mission Continues”的慈善機構,幫助退伍軍人回歸到正常的社會生活。
看完以上這些原因,是不是覺得她們為社會所做出的貢獻正符合你心中” Power of Women”的標準呢?
圖片來源:Variety ,資料來源:Closer Weekly